14 businesses have been fined with disobeying New York Cities vaccine mandate. This is no surprise, after all why would any business want to refuse service to a paying customer?

Fox News reported, The $1,000 fines doled out so far come as another 6,760 businesses were warned about failing to enforce the city’s mandate, which requires patrons produce proof of vaccination to enter places like restaurants, bars, museums, and theaters.
Any business in New York that rejects the mandate will be given a warning, followed by a thousand dollar fine. If they continue to refuse, the fines will rise in cost. Next a two thousand dollar fine will be doled out, and then a five thousand dollar fine for each time the rule is violated after.
Americans have been stripped of their free will in New York. Now citizens are sorted into groups and told whether or not they have the right to appear in public based on their medical history.
It’s also important to note that some people are unable to receive the COVID-19 vaccine due to existing medical complications.
Olivia Sandor, for example is a young American with Guillain Barre syndrome. Sandor was told by her physicians that the vaccine may permanently paralyze her. When she applied to attend BYU Hawaii she was rejected based on vaccine status and medical exemptions were ignored.
New York City’s mandate makes. no mention of medical exemptions that may prevent a person from receiving the inoculation.
Instead, it punishes citizens who are sceptical, or who have medical disabilities, and turns them into lepers outcasted from society.