At Needham High School in Massachusetts a biology teacher has been peddling lies to her students, teaching that biological sex is fluid and easily changed. The instructor encouraged her pupils to stop using “gendered terms” that allegedly “marginalize”oppressed groups.

The instructor proclaimed that “humans are socially conditioned to view sex and gender as binary”.
Sex is a Binary. A binary simply refers to something “of two” and a binary is directly mentioned in the Oxford definition of “sex”. The definition reads “either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.”
The Needham teacher attempted to justify her position that sex can be fluid by arguing that intersex people exist, and do not fall into the binary.
The Daily Caller reported, One slide showed to students said that intersex people make up nearly 2% of the population, which the teacher said is “comparable” to the number of people born with red hair
Though intersex individuals do undoubtedly exist, male and female are the only two sexes clearly defined by biology. The definition of sex also very clearly outlines that it refers to “either of the two main categories (male and female)” this is also how the term sex is colloquially used in conversation.
Either way, intersex individuals existing outside the binary is not evidence that biological sex is fluid. Intersex people are still born with set reproductive parts and have no more fluidity than anyone else. Parts can sometimes be removed or modified, but never grown or added. Sexual capabilities achievable only by body parts not present at birth will never be obtained.
In this department the teacher referenced animals like the Reed Frog that apparently change sex based on how much light is present. Though this might be similar to comparing humans to birds and teaching high school students that they can fly like one; Humans, are not frogs, and they are not birds.

Students reportedly felt that the purpose of the lesson was “to show kids that wanting to change your sex is a feeling that is common throughout nature.”