Joe Biden has time and time again denied that he has knowledge of his son’s shady business dealing, but time and time again this claim is proven false.

Older reports indicate that Hunter’s most prominent investment partner, Eric Schwerin actually had a meeting with the then Vice President at the White House.
Apparently, Schwerin’s visit to the White House didn’t end there. Joe Biden was only one of 19 visits that included aides of the Vice President according to visitor logs from the Obama Administration.
New reports detail that Hunter met with his father in the White House, or Vice Presidents residents at least 30 times directly after overseas business trips. Suspicious timing, it’s hard to believe that Hunter did not inform his father of what his business entailed. These meetings were discovered on the calendar of Hunters’ now abandoned laptop.
The New York Post reported that Eric Schwerin, the president of Hunter Biden’s investment company Rosemont Seneca Partners, is named as a calendar invite recipient on 21 of 30 listed meetings, with a green check frequently indicating his confirmed receipt of the invite for meetings with the vice president. Schwerin was a longtime Hunter Biden business confidante and had access to the elder Biden’s personal financial information.
The Post even acquired photos of Schwerin at the Naval Observatory, where the then Vice President resided. Are the American people expected to pretend that Joe was oblivious to Hunter’s dealings and the nature of his relationship with Schwerin?

Recently, the Treasury department, seemingly in an attempt to shield the Bidens from scrutiny has refused to allow the release of Hunter’s business records to Republican congressmen for investigation unless Democrats get on board with the investigation.