According to Fox News, officials are currently weighing charges against Hunter Biden for tax violations and foreign lobbying. The investigation started in 2018 and has reportedly entered a “critical stage”.

The investigation is headed by Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss who was appointed by Joe Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump.
Fox News reported that according to their source Weiss and Justice Department officials were looking into whether to charge Hunter Biden with various tax violations and, more seriously, possible foreign lobbying violations. The source said Hunter Biden could face possible false statements charges.
Hunter undoubtedly used his lineage and connection to his father, a long-time congressman, former Vice President, and now President to gain favor in foreign business dealings.
Reports indicate that Hunter’s most prominent investment partner, Eric Schwerin actually had a meeting with the then Vice President at the White House.
Apparently, Schwerin’s visit to the White House didn’t end there. Joe Biden was only one of 19 visits that included aides of the Vice President according to visitor logs from the Obama Administration.
New reports detail that Hunter met with his father in the White House, or Vice President’s residence at least 30 times directly after overseas business trips. Suspicious timing, it’s hard to believe that Hunter did not inform his father of what his business entailed. These meetings were discovered on the calendar of Hunters’ now abandoned laptop.
To make things more suspicious, the Biden Treasury department refuses to release documents regarding Hunter unless Democrats get on board with an investigation. Republican congressmen seeking a probe apparently is not good enough.