
Abortion Activists Strip During Joel Osteen Church Service

Three pro-choice activists interrupted Pastor Joel Osteen’s church service on Sunday in Houston, Texas, by stripping down to their underwear and shouting.

Osteen had finished leading a prayer and everyone began to sit down in Lakewood Church when one woman stood up, pulled off her dress, and shouted, “It’s my body, my f**king choice!”

Videos posted to Twitter show a second woman getting up, removing her dress, and yelling “Overturn Roe, hell no!”

The third protester repeated the actions of the first two women. They are reportedly with the group Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights.

Wearing white sports bras with green handprints on them, the color representing the pro-choice movement, the women were escorted out of the church.

After being removed by security, the women continued their protest outside.

“Christians are not afraid to bother us at health care clinics, at doctors’ offices [where we’re] trying to get essential health care, so why the f**k wouldn’t we bother you in your own home where the laws are coming from,” one protester said.

The livestream of the 11 a.m. service is allegedly no longer available online.

Activist Julianne D’Eredita told KPRC 2 “Joel Osteen has an international audience and silence is violence when it comes to things like these”.

“We have a very unprecedented and very short amount of time to garner the attention that we need to get millions of people on the streets, millions of people doing actions like we were today,” she added.