
Children On School Bus Shout “F–k Joe Biden” In Michigan

The internet has been swept by crowds of Americans shouting “f—k Joe Biden.” 

As Biden arrived in Michigan to promote his $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill, he was met by Trump supporters shouting the chant. 

However, voters were not the only individuals spreading the sentiment. As a school bus approached the event, children on board chanting “F—k Joe Biden!”

The video quickly went viral on Youtube. It seems that a person could enter any venue and scream “f—k Joe Biden,” and the patrons would return.

Its hard to believe that a President who is so widely hated could receive such a substantial voter turnout in November. The country seems to have United against Joe Biden and his policies. 

This very clearly illustrates the fact that when voters filled out the circle next to Biden’s name, they were imagining removing Donald Trump rather than seating the current a president.

These chants take place everywhere from NFL Games to restaurants across America.