Ironically, when a health inspector attempted to carry out a COVID compliance check at a random New York City venue he was refused entry. The health inspector was unable to show proof of vaccination.

The New York Post reported, Stunned bar manager Maggie Koronilian, 38, told The Post on Friday how she had to boot the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene employee from Big Nose Kate’s Saloon and Eatery on Tuesday.
“I don’t understand how you’re coming here enforcing something and not cooperating with the very thing that you’re trying to enforce,” she said of the Big Apple’s stringent Key to NYC rules for bars and restaurants.
The bar did not have a legal choice, New York City vaccine mandates are very strict. Unvaccinated persons, or persons unable to prove their vaccine status are not able to enter most establishments.
Koronilian alleges that the inspector showed up with her official identification clearly on display. But when asked for proof of vaccination, just as they did for anyone, the inspector was empty-handed.
“She just said, ‘No. That’s what I’m here checking for,’ and that she wasn’t there to stay and eat,” the inspector allegedly said.

Apparently, Koronilian asked several times before asking the inspector to step outside. Outside the inspector checked the bar’s paperwork confirming that they were complying with city mandates.
Finally, the manager told the inspector that she is not above the law pointing to the signs hung outside the bar.