
Delaware Introduces New Gun Control Bills

Gov. John Carney and Democrats in Delaware have introduced a series of new gun control measures after the recent shootings in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas.

Included in the package is a bill to raise the age of purchasing most firearms from 18 to 21.

Democrats are also seeking a ban on the sale of “assault” weapons, including various semiautomatic pistols and rifles.

“Other bills include a ban on large-capacity magazines and a bill to strengthen background checks with a reinstituted transaction approval process,” reported Fox News.

In addition, Democrats are attempting to hold gun manufacturers liable for any dangerous actions that lead to gun violence.

“We have an obligation to do everything we can to prevent tragedies like we’ve seen across the country from happening here in Delaware,” Gov. Carney said.

“This is a historic, meaningful package of legislation and I look forward to seeing these bills on my desk this session,” he added.

Attorney General Kathy Jenning has pushed a bill that would require permits for handgun purchase and mandatory training for gun owners, but it was not included in the package.

Following the Texas school and Buffalo grocery store shootings, Democrats have advocated for more gun control and gun safety measures.

While Delaware has “red flag” laws in place and permits for concealed carry, the state does not require permits to purchase guns or licenses to own handguns.

House Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf, Majority Leader Valerie Longhurst and Majority Whip Larry Mitchell said “Taken together, these bills will have a significant and meaningful impact in combating gun violence and preventing future tragedies from happening in Delaware”.