A doctor from Boston Children’s Hospital is claiming that a child’s unwillingness to adhere to gender stereotypes often indicates they are transgender.
In a new video, Dr. Jeremi Carswell, director of the Gender Multispecialty Service at Boston Children’s, said “a child will often know that they’re transgender from the moment that they have any ability to express themselves, and parents will often tell us this.”
“We have parents who tell us that their kids they knew from the minute they were born practically,” she added.
Carswell then explained that when a child refuses to adhere to gender stereotypes, it may be indicative that they are transgender.
“Actions like refusing to get a haircut or standing to urinate or trying to stand to urinate, refusing to stand to urinate, trying on siblings clothing, playing with the quote opposite gender, toys, things like that,” she said of pre-verbal indicators.
Carswell also said there is “more and more a group of adolescents” that realize “a little bit later on in their life” that they are transgender.

“So what we’re seeing from them is that they always sort of knew something was maybe off and didn’t have the understanding to know that they might be trans or have a different gender identity than when they had been assigned,” she continued.
Boston Children’s Hospital has shared several similar videos to promote their Gender Multispecialty Service.
Christina Pushaw, press secretary for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis tweeted “It’s okay for girls to like stereotypical ‘boys’ toys, haircuts and activities, and vice versa. It doesn’t mean they need medical or surgical intervention.”
“Feds need to investigate@BostonChildrens— but of course they won’t,” said Stephen Miller, Senior Advisor to former President Donald Trump.
Carswell have received heavy criticism for allegedly receiving thousands of dollars from a company that manufactures puberty blockers.