An elderly Florida mother spent a night in Jail after violating a hospitals COVID-19 restrictions, and remaining at her daughters bedside despite being told to leave.

Fox reported, Lynn Savage, 70, was booked for trespassing following the incident that unfolded at UF Health North in Jacksonville on Oct. 4, according to Action News Jax.
Savage said in a statement that leaving her daughter wouldn’t feel right. “I could not in good conscience and good heart leave her bedside not knowing how she was going to make it through the night voluntarily.”
Over the last year, many have died alone in the hospital. Their loved ones unable to say goodbye one final time as a result of COVID-19 restrictions.
The elderly Savage said that she stands by her actions “100 percent.” She said that she does not regret forcing them to arrest her.

Her daughter is non-verbal and partially paralyzed. A doctor asked Savage to come into the ICU room and assist.
“With all these people talking and all these things going on and she doesn’t understand it and not being able to talk, she just was frantic,” the mother said.
When she was asked to leave after aiding the doctors, she simply refused, which led to a trespassing arrest.