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FBI Document Suggests Joe Biden Received $5M Bribe from Burisma Executive


In what can only be described as a shocking development, the ever-controversial President Joe Biden has been reportedly paid a whopping $5 million by a top dog at the corrupt Ukrainian natural gas firm, Burisma Holdings.

Where, as it just so happens, his son and professional freeloader, Hunter Biden, was comfortably ensconced on the board.

This bombshell allegation was made by a confidential human source during an interview with the FBI back in June 2020, Fox News Digital reveals.

So, we have this confidential source, presumably savvy enough to have been made privy to such high-level dealings, who has briefed Fox News Digital on the matter.

They paint a damning picture, in which an FBI-generated FD-1023 form is at the center of a purported criminal bribery scheme between Biden and this foreign national, a scheme that apparently had its greedy fingers in the pie of U.S. policy decisions.

Though Fox News Digital hasn’t physically seen this form, reliable sources have provided a sketch of its sordid contents.

The form itself, a device used by FBI agents to record whatever tidbits confidential sources spill, doesn’t necessarily validate the information it contains. However, it certainly gives us a peek into a shady world of alleged backroom deals and political shenanigans.

Our confidential source, a business professional of note, was solicited for advice by the Burisma executive on how to finagle U.S. oil rights and involve himself with a U.S. oil company.

One must wonder why this executive needed advice when he had Hunter Biden right there on the board, a point not lost on our source.

The executive shrugged this off by throwing the younger Biden under the bus, dismissing him as “dumb.”

The crux of the matter, as per our confidential source, is that the Burisma executive had to line the Biden’s pockets because Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin was sniffing around Burisma.

Entering the U.S. market while under such scrutiny would be a tough row to hoe, hence the alleged need for bribery. And just how much were the Bidens allegedly paid?

Not a paltry $50,000 each, as suggested by our source, but a staggering $5 million apiece.

These payments, supposedly routed through a convoluted network of bank accounts, are said to be akin to a “retainer” to deal with issues, including the Shokin-led investigation.

That’s what some dub as a “pay-to-play” scheme. Our source believes that these payments to both Bidens did happen, based on his or her chats with the Burisma executive.

The document also makes a reference to “the Big Guy,” widely speculated to be a nickname for Joe Biden. However, the executive apparently claimed that he didn’t pay the Big Guy directly. Seems like a convenient way to keep one’s hands clean, doesn’t it?

The irony of the situation is rich, considering how Biden ousted Viktor Shokin, the very prosecutor investigating Burisma, while he was vice president.

His son, Hunter, was reaping a windfall from his position on Burisma’s board at the time. And to think that Biden boasted about this at a Council on Foreign Relations event in 2018!

This sordid saga is further complicated by the Democrats’ hasty move to impeach then-President Donald Trump for supposedly pressuring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to investigate the shady dealings of the Biden family in Ukraine.

The pot, it seems, was indeed calling the kettle black!

Meanwhile, the FBI has kept our source on its payroll for over a decade, to the tune of about $200,000.

The Burisma executive in question is believed to occupy a lofty position within the company, possibly even its top rung.

Despite the White House’s repeated denials of any wrongdoing on Biden’s part and Hunter’s ongoing federal investigation for his “tax affairs,” these revelations bring a disturbing aspect of the Biden family’s involvement with foreign entities into the spotlight.

The supposed “bunch of malarkey,” as Joe Biden dismissively refers to these allegations, isn’t going away anytime soon.