Joe Biden makes sure to boast about the economic sanctions he’s placed on Russia whenever he gets the chance. He however forgets to mention that federal tax dollars are being used to fund Russian labs where ‘stomach churning’ scientific experiments are performed on cats.

The Washington Times reported that the National Institute of Health (NIH) has approved 4 Russian facilities for grants funded by American tax dollars. If the President is so serious about crippling Russia financially over the war in Ukraine, why does he continue to fund state research in the hostile country?
Republican lawmakers have begun calling Biden out for his hypocrisy. “Our tax dollars should never be going to our foreign adversaries, especially as the U.S. puts crippling sanctions on the Kremlin,” said representative Lisa McClain (MI-R).
Other Republicans say that the existing sanctions on Russian oil and federal institutions are meaningless so long as tax dollars continue to fund research in Russia.
The Times wrote, The White Coat Waste Project, an animal rights group, revealed in a study that the NIH provided a grant totaling more than $549,000 to Russia’s state-run Pavlov Institute of Physiology in November. The money, in part, went to fund spinal cord research on unwitting cats.
Many of the cats have portions of their brains removed while alive. All the while, their spines were experimented on. After, the animals were forced to walk on treadmills for hours. The more is revealed about the research, the more astonishing it becomes.

“The torture these poor animals are being forced to go through is absolutely inhumane and unnecessary,” McClain said.