
Nike Co-Founder Declares WAR Against Democrats in Oregon

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Nike Co-Founder, Phil Knight, has invested millions into the Democrat opponents as polls show a Republican lead.

He says he will do anything to block Democrats from keeping their hold on Oregon’s gubernatorial seat Saturday.

“One of the political cartoons after our legislative session had a person snorting cocaine out of a mountain of white,” Knight told the New York Times on Saturday. “It said, ‘Which of these is illegal in Oregon?’ And the answer was the plastic straw.”

Knight described himself as “an anti-Tina person,” to NYT.

Oregon has not had an elected Republican as governor since 1982, but polls show a Republican lead. an October 13th poll from FiveThirtyEight has Drazan at a 3-point lead over Kotek, with 37.4% and 34.3% respectively. Meanwhile, Johnson sits at just 16.4% support.

Leftists on twitter are mad at this, even though they supported EVER SINGLE MULTI-TRILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY that support Democrat campaigns

It is quite hilarious that the only time they care about money in politics is when 1 rich person doesn’t support Democrats.

Democrats lead Republicans when it comes to Big Money donors, but they will never treat things fairly because it helps them.