Days after a bus load of migrants showed up in New York City, Mayor Eric Adams threatened to send a bus load of New Yorkers to Texas.

Does Adams plan on forcing New Yorkers out of their homes? Or perhaps he plans to uproot one of the various homeless communities in New York to plague Texas.
Eric Adams is responding to action from governor Greg Abbott who has begun pawning illegal immigrants off on other states and cities as the federal government refuses to mitigate the border crisis.
The Daily Caller reported, Abbott sent the first busload of migrants to New York City Friday, saying in a press release that he hoped Adams “follows through on his promise of welcoming all migrants with open arms so that our overrun and overwhelmed border towns can find relief.”
“I am deeply contemplating taking a busload of New Yorkers to go to Texas and do some good ol’ fashion door knocking,” Adams said in response.
Adams called the move “horrific”. Of course, it is, illegal immigrants, destroy economies and burden local governments with immense hardship. The hardship far outweighs their benefits. New York has gone as far as to allow illegal immigrants to vote in local elections. Why wouldn’t Adams welcome them with open arms?

It turns out, that Adams might be all talk.