As the United States grows in vaccinations, and plummets in COVID-19 infections the country returns to normal. For over a year, the capacity in the White House briefing room was 50% or lower. Each reporter had a one seat gap between themselves and the next person. Now, the capacity has been raised to 100%.

On May 24 the capacity was raised to 50% which is equivalent to 24 seats. As of Monday June 7th full capacity has been restored. The mask rule for the White House mirrors the CDC’s guidance. Masks for the unvaccinated, and optional for the vaccinated.
On Monday, all capacity limits on the White House, both indoors and outdoors were also lifted according to NBC.
A packed briefing room is something that we have not seen during the Biden Administration. Jen Psaki has never had to deal with this many reporters during her time as the White House Press Secretary.
The Press Secretary struggled to preform effectively at half capacity and lower. Full capacity, with over 48 reporters present will likely be a struggle.
Psaki however, has already announced that she will not be remaining with the current President of the United States. She announced at the beginning of May that in order to reserve more time for family, she will resign next year.