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Data shows that 496,332 people have voted through early in-person voting so far. Compare this to early in-person voting in 2018 and 2014 (225,032 & 67,792)
Despite the Democrat’s claims of voter suppression, the turnout is showing to be the highest yet.
Georgia’s first day of in-person voting set a new record for the state’s midterm elections.
“The question about voter suppression and voter turnout is… correlation without causation. We know that increased turnout has nothing to do with suppression,” – Stacey Abrams
“Suppression is about whether or not you make it difficult for voters to access the ballot. And in Georgia, we know difficulty has been put in place for too many Georgians who want to vote by mail, who had to figure out a calendar of applying just early enough but not too late, who had to have wet signatures so they could print things out, take a picture, upload it.” – Abrams

“We know that across the state, counties have taken advantage of county election boards that have shifted their dynamic. In Spaulding County, they eliminated Sunday voting to target a black community that was showing up,” – Abrams
“We know that across the state voters are still facing difficulties. And this is just the primary. Primary voters tend to be more active and engaged voters. But despite the difficulty, despite the outrage that is legitimate and real, we know voters want their right to vote to be made real and be held sacrosanct and so they are showing up.” -Abrams
“We know that voter turnout is not proof that there isn’t suppression. It is the antidote to suppression, and that’s why we’re going to keep fighting to make certain every Georgian voter who wants to cast a ballot can do so,” – Abrams
I don’t know or seen a single person in existence that is upset as this woman claims