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Biden spoke at Irvine Valley College on Friday. After this talk he creeped on another young girl.
After leaning in for a photo op Biden then put his hand on the girl’s shoulder and gave her dating advice.
The user who tweeted the video said this “President Joe Biden grabs a young girl by the shoulder and tells her “no serious guys till your 30” as she looks back appearing uncomfortable, secret service appears to try to stop me from filming it after Biden spoke @ Irvine Valley Community College”

“Now,” he said, as the girl looked up at him, “a very important thing I told my daughter and grand daughters, no serious guys ’til you’re 30.”
Some Twitter Users Wrtote
“No serious guys til you’re 30? So he’s telling her to tramp around til she’s 30? To make herself available to men with no commitment til she’s 30?”
“It looks like he sniffed her too. Jeez… what a creep! He can’t seem to control himself.”
“Damn he says that phrase in that thread a few times. No “serious guys till 30″… Such a weird, creepy old man. Imagine what his like when no one watching”
“Another inappropriate Biden grope to add to your pinned tweet”
“Just add that his list.”
The girls look freaked out to say the least