
10 Shot In Brooklyn Subway, Suspect Deployed Gas Then Started Shooting

In a Brooklyn Subway, 10 people were shot. CNN has reported that at least 29 people have been hospitalized in connection to the shooting, 12 of whom have since been released. 

The attacker equipped a gas mask, deployed a gas canister, and started shooting. Mayor Eric Adams has indicated that some sort of malfunction with the camera system had occurred. It is currently unclear whether only one camera malfunctioned, or if cameras throughout the whole station went down. 

According to internal NYPD emails obtained by CNN, investigators are searching for a U-Haul in connection with the attack. The emails apparently identified the U-Haul license plate as #AL31408. 

Officers were instructed to take “extreme precautions” if they encountered the vehicle while it is occupied. If the U-Haul is found unoccupied, officers should notify commanders. 

U-Hail, the company itself has begun working with law enforcement to identify the suspect through rental records. The company says it’s “working closely with authorities to ensure they have any and all available information”. 

Investigators apparently also have cellphone footage of the shooter taken by an eyewitness. He was described as a 5’ 5” black man with a heavy build wearing a grey sweatshirt and a green construction vest. 

After the shooting, a gun and multiple magazines were recovered at the scene. Some officials believe that the weapon may have jammed, causing the shooting to stop early.