
4 Dead In Nashville Flash Floods

A flash flood has ravaged Tennessee leaving at least 4 dead, according to the Tennessean. 

One, a 70 year old man, recovered near a Walmart in Sevenmile Creek, 

Another was a 54 year old man who’s car ran off the road, near the Nashboro Village golf course.

The last two were a 64 year old man and a 46 year old woman found dead near a homeless camp in Wentworth-Caldwell Park, a wooded area. 

The Tennessean reported “Police Chief John Drake said Officer Hendrik Kruger was injured when his car got swept up by water on his way home Saturday night. He was able to climb out of his car and hold on to a tree. A civilian got stranded in an attempt to help him, Drake said.” 

Rescue crews saved at least 130 people from the floods in the Nashville region. The police had to wait until the water cleared in order to recover the bodies.