
If Biden Fires Horseback Border Patrol, Abbott Says He’ll Hire Them

On Sunday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said that if Biden fires the border patrol agents accused of whipping migrants, he will hire them.

While on Fox News Sunday, Abbott criticized President Joe Biden and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for their treatment of the border crisis. “Secretary Mayorkas and, if I can be candid, even President Biden, they are in dereliction of duty”, he said.

Abbott also stated that “The Biden administration has abandoned any pretense of securing the sovereignty of either Texas or the United States by having these open border policies”.

The people in south Texas, they are angry about the Biden administration for ignoring, for abandoning them. The Biden administration cares far more for the people who are not in this country than he does for the people, American citizens who live in this country.

Gov. Abbott

After thousands of Haitian migrants crossed the border from Mexico, Abbott and the state of Texas have been trying to secure the border. During all of this, images went viral of border agents “whipping” migrants. The rumors were debunked and officials explained that what people thought were whips are just long reigns used to control the horses.

Despite the truth being revealed, Biden and his administration have vowed to remove the agents from their positions and banned the use of horses in the Del Rio area.

Abbott expressed his frustration with Biden’s decision and said ‘If they are at risk of losing their job at a president who is abandoning his duty to secure the border, you have a job in the state of Texas”. “I will hire you to help Texas secure the border”, he added.

The governor has promised to secure the border and work to fix the situation that the Biden Administration seems to ignore.