
Nancy Pelosi To Step Down Next Year, Dems Disagree On Who To Replace Her With

Could America finally be rid of Nancy Pelosi? According to the Daily Mail, yes. Pelosi is expected to “step down” next year and allow for a younger face to take her spot.

Pelosi is currently 81 years old and has been Speaker since 2019 but served in leadership positions for more than 20 years

Reports indicate that House Democrats overwhelmingly support the idea of the next Speaker being “equally historic” as Pelosi – the first female to take on the role. These Democrats have a favorite and his name is Hakeem Jeffries. 

Jeffries would be the first black speaker in U.S. history. The only issue is that based on their rhetoric it would seem that the appointment would be more so based on identity than merit.  

This isn’t to say that Jeffries might not be a good pick, but it’s clear that Democrats want to “make history” in some way rather than choose the absolute best person for the job. 

Roughly 24 Democrats indicated that they’d like to see a younger face leading their party. Others like Pramila Jayapal called for a “more decentralized” leader. 

Illinois Rep Brand Schneider wants someone who can “pull the party together” like Pelosi despite her having been in the position during one of the worst times for Democrats in recent history.