
California Government WASTES Taxpayer Money To Encourage MASS Vaccinations

Democratic Governor, Gavin Newsom, announced on Thursday the “Vax for the Win,” lotto style program which pays residents with cash prizes if they get vaccinated against COVID-19.

This is made possible by allocating $116.5 million from the $110 billion “California Comeback Plan,” which is his state’s pandemic relief fund.

Newsom said, “Getting every eligible Californian vaccinated is how we bring our state roaring back from this pandemic. California has already made incredible progress in the fight against COVID-19, with the lowest case rates in the country while administering millions more vaccines than any other state. But we aren’t stopping there, we’re doing everything it takes to get Californians vaccinated as we approach June 15 to help us fully reopen safely.”

ABC News 10 wrote on people’s eligibility.

Ten people who are at least partially vaccinated will split a $15 million grand prize; 30 people who are at least partially vaccinated will receive $50,000 prizes – handed out Friday, June 4 and Friday, June 11 as part of “$50,000 Friday” – and the next two million vaccinated Californians (starting Thursday, May 27) will receive prizes in the form of a $50 gift card.”

Los Angeles County Public Health Director, Barbara Ferrer, said, “If there’s a way to help nudge people who are still just waiting to get vaccinated because it hasn’t been the most convenient time or they haven’t had time to schedule it, we’re hoping that these thank-you gifts remind them how important it is to come in.”

Anyone 12 years old and up are eligible for the rewards.