Greg Abbott said that he would bus illegal migrants to Washington D.C. if the federal government failed to enforce the law, and he wasn’t kidding. Saturday the fourth bus containing people who illegally crossed the border into Texas arrived in D.C.

The bus transported roughly 10 people and dropped them near Union station, only blocks away from the Capitol. In the last 15 months, Governor Abbott claims that Texas has experienced more than 1.6 million illegal border crossings.
Worst of all? Despite unauthorized border crossing being a federal offense regardless of circumstance, the federal government refuses to intervene and allocate proper resources, allowing Texas to overcome the issue.
The White House has described the action as a “publicity stunt” and federal authorities don’t seem to be acting upon the legal d after they arrive in D.C. the illegals are simply allowed to go about their business.
Fox News reported Abbott’s transportation of unlawful migrants to another area of the country is not unique. The federal government has transported thousands of migrants across the country to different states via bus and plane, often without warning or public acknowledgment.
The Biden Administration has been transporting illegals using charter flights out of New York.