Everyone on the left is up in arms about disinformation and the Trump administration claiming election fraud, but Friday a Clinton campaign manager testified that Hillary personally approved disinformation to be spread about her opponent.

The Daily Caller reported, that Hillary Clinton’s former campaign manager testified Friday that the then-Democratic presidential nominee personally approved spreading material that claimed the Trump organization had a secret communications channel with a Russian bank to the media
Robby Mook was questioned on how much the campaign actually knew about the information that they spread, or intended to spread. He said that the campaign was unsure whether or not the information was legitimate.
Mook explained that discussions about distributing the information to journalists directly involved Hillary Clinton and several other senior campaign officials.
“I discussed it with Hillary as well, I don’t remember the substance of the conversation, but notionally, the discussion was, ‘hey, we have this and we want to share it with a reporter’”
Mook noted that Clinton agreed to distribute the allegations. He said that he did not remember exactly when the conversation happened, but knew that she was on board.