In 2020 Dr. Anthony Fauci invested more than $10.4 million. What may, or may not be surprising is that his portfolio shows investments in China. The President’s medical advisor profited roughly $2.3 million.

His financial records were first released by Senator Roger Marshall of Kansas. The records reveal that Fauci had invested in a fund called the Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund.
“Dr. Fauci was completely dishonest about his financial disclosures being open to the public,” Marshall said in a statement. The Senator feels as though Fauci needs to be held accountable, and should be up-front with the American people.
According to the New York Post, Anthony Fauci is currently the highest-paid federal employee racking in a whopping $434,312 yearly and lined up for a $350,000 pension. This means that Fauci is paid more than the President of the United States, and is not elected by the people.
Breitbart reported, The Matthews Pacific Tiger Fund’s fact sheet, published in September 2021, revealed the fund has invested 42.7 percent of its investors’ money into companies in China and Hong Kong.

Companies invested in the Pacific Tiger fund included various pharmaceutical companies, including Wuxi Biologics Cayman, based in China. It’s worth noting, that there is very little business in China that stays clear of the government’s fingers.