
Joe Biden Definitely Discussed Business Dealings With Hunter Despite Denial

The Biden administration has repeatedly denied any involvement in Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings. Biden has even denied that Hunter had ever discussed the dealings, this simply cannot be true. 

The President literally wrote a Brown University letter of recommendation for Jonathan Li, the son of a powerful Chinese business associate. 

“Jonathan, Hunter asked me to send you a copy of the recommendation letter that he asked his father to write on behalf of Christopher for Brown University,” Hunter’s business partner Eric Schwerin said to Li in a leaked email. 

The senior Biden’s connection to Li doesn’t end there. In 2013 on an Air Force 2 trip to China, Joe Biden met with Xi Jinping and was introduced to Li by Hunter in the lobby of the hotel designated for the American delegation. 

“How do I go to Beijing, halfway around the world, and not see them for a cup of ­coffee?” Hunter said after meeting with Li for what is described as a “social meeting”. 

Hunter also arranged for his father to write a letter of recommendation for Li’s daughter, though the New York Post reported that she did not get into an elite institution. 

Press Secretary Jen Psaki let the public know that she had no knowledge of a recommendation letter written for the daughter. She noted at this point, however, that Biden was a private citizen. 

Hunter Biden also literally acknowledged in a 2019 edition of the New Yorker, that he and his father had discussed his overseas dealings, particularly his affiliation with the Ukrainian energy company, Burisma. 

While Hunter sat on Burisma’s board, he earned more than $80,000 per month while his father was serving as VP under Obama. 

Hunter told the New Yorker,  “Dad said, ‘I hope you know what you are doing,’ and I said, ‘I do,’?”