The left loves to downplay the consequences of communism and socialism. I’m doing so, they omit the real experiences of people who have survived attempts at the systems, and refuse to acknowledge parallels to modern left wing politics in America.

Fox News reported, A Virginia mom who endured Mao’s Cultural Revolution before immigrating to the U.S. said the National School Boards Association and the Justice Department are using tactics similar to ones she saw Communist China use to stop parents from speaking out.
“When I was in China, I spent my entire school years in the Chinese Cultural Revolution, so I’m very, very familiar with the communist tactics of how to divide people, how they canceled the Chinese traditional culture and destroyed our heritage,” Xi Van Fleet said.
Communists target groups of people, and make them feel oppressed and vulnerable. A revolution cannot occur if citizens are happy and Unified. They must be divided and conquered.
“They call(ed) them racists for a long time, but that did not work,” she said in reference to those who have spoken out against critical race theory. “so, they have to upgrade to domestic terrorists.”
Turning the citizenry against its self is an efficient way of polarizing a country. Communism cannot occur in the United States under its current framework. Some type of revolution, bloody or cultural would have to occur.
“I do have a question: What’s [the] next step? Is the Tiananmen Square crackdown the next, or the parents who one day risked their lives just to speak out for the children? That’s why I’m here,” fleet said.
Comparing the American left wing to Maoists is seen as an extreme jump from reality. Nobody claims that the current left wing ARE largely Maoists, only that there are parallels in their tactics.