
Massive New York Rally AGAINST Vaccine Mandates

On August 9th protestors, labeled by many as “anti-vaxx Trump supporters” rallied against New York cities vaccine mandate.

Yahoo reported, This video recorded by Brendan Gutenschwager shows protesters in City Hall Park, holding anti-vaccine placards and chanting “we will not comply.”

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on August 3 that the “Key to NYC Pass” would go into effect the week of August 16. The pass requires “vaccination for workers and customers in indoor dining, in indoor fitness facilities, indoor entertainment facilities,” de Blasio said.

Protestors held a banner outside of City Hall. The Banner depicted NYC Mayor Bill De Blasio holding lady liberty’s severed head. a symbol of faltered freedom.

What this mandate effectively does, is sort people out into two groups. One group is awarded full humanity, and all rights afforded to persons for being human. This group is vaccinated.

The second group, is stripped of their right to dine indoors, or enter virtually any building/business. Their freedom of movement and right to peruse happiness has been taken away. The members of this group are unvaccinated. 

The members of the second group are dehumanized and seen as less than others both by government and society. 

The restrictions imposed on these people may even cause them to lose their jobs, simply because they are unable, or unwilling to get an injection. 

Many claim that those who remain unvaccinated have made a “choice” and that their choice has conveniences. They argue that these unvaccinated people shouldn’t be able to put others in danger. 

Humans constantly put themselves in danger. Car accidents are one of the leading causes of death in America. 

Going to the gym where unvaccinated persons might be, is also a choice. Nobody is forcing anyone else to go to a place that may be dangerous. 

The choice to leave home comes with consequences as well. Risk that injury or illness may occur. 

This risk doesn’t mean that we should strip other law abiding humans of their freedoms as Americans simply because they have the capacity to accidentally harm someone else.