Yeonmi Park, a civilian defector from North Korea has come forward claiming to be “terrified” of “mass indoctrination” coming from the political left in America. Her fear stems primarily from the teachings of public schools.

“This is exactly the dictator’s handbook. I mean, it’s Hitler’s youth, Mao’s youth, and Kim Il-Sung’s youth,” Park told Fox News Digital, “They always go for young children because they have not lived their life enough to – have critical thinking skills. Their brains are very plastic, very malleable, and easy to observe information and believe it and they’re innocent.”
Park explained that dictators always target the youth, indoctrinating them in order to ensure conformity. For those who will not, fear is used to keep them in line.
“So the thing about North Korea is that is so oppressed to the point we don’t even have the word for oppression … There’s actually even the control of the language in words. And this is why it concerns me where there’s such a something called a speech code, the things that we cannot talk about in America right now,” she said.
“we are going to end up like North Korea eventually,” park predicted. In the “peoples republic” of North Korea, there is not even a word for ‘love’, as Park told show Rogan on his podcast. If someone is caught speaking out against the regime, not only they but their family members are sent to concentration camps.

She also spoke out against socialism to address the rise in acceptance in a America. “the definition of socialism means giving all the power to the government, they decide the means of production. They despise every aspect of our lives – In North Korea, they say, ‘Okay, we’re going to make sure everybody is equal. So give us all your land.’ So we gave the regime all the land, so they abolish[ed] private property. Nobody could own anything. State owns it. And that is when they took everything, did not give anything back to us. And then when we gave all our rights, they didn’t give anything back …”