Thomas Binger, prosecutor of Kyle Rittenhouse revealed that critics sent him some unsavory packages during a YouTube interview.
Binger fell out of public favor during the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. The prosecutor infringed on the defendant’s fifth amendment right to remain silent, and on several occasions led a dishonest line of questioning.
He told his interviewer that on two separate occasions, bags of gorilla feces were delivered to his home by anonymous senders. Apparently, a company operating out of Pennsylvania hosts a website that allows the bags to be sent to any address.
The website lists an array of mailable products. For roughly $20 a quart of cow, elephant, or gorilla excrement can be sent to any address in the United States. A gallon runs for $30-$40.
The “Mega Combo Pack” described as “all three in one big nasty mess” will set an individual back a whopping $88. This pack is advertised as being 2+ gallons.
Each package sports a business card placed directly inside the “mess”. It reads on the up-facing side “you’ve been pooped on want to know by whom? OVER”, on the other side the dastardly card says “we’ll never tell”.

The site clarifies that this is intentional, inciting the recipient to dig the card out seeking answers. Only after digging the card out will they discover that they’ll never tell.
The site even has a pay by cash option to ensure that there is no paper trail. Complete anonymity is ensured.