
Sister Of Fallen Marine: “You Can’t F—— Up As Bad As He Did And Say You’re Sorry”

On Sunday Joe Biden travelled to Delaware for the dignified transfer of the 13 U.S. service members killed in the Kabul airport suicide bombing. 

Fox News reported, Jiennah McCollum, the pregnant wife of Marine Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, alongside the fallen Marine’s father and sisters, were scheduled to meet with the president, but only Jiennah ended up speaking with Biden.

Roice McCollum, one of the late corporal’s sisters, told the Washington Post on Sunday that she, her sister and her father all refused to meet with Biden because they held him responsible for their fallen Marine’s death.

Jiennah allegedly became frustrated after meeting with President Biden and speaking to him for a short period of time. 

“You can’t f—— up as bad as he did and say you’re sorry, this did not need to happen, and every life is on his hands.” Roice McCollum said. 

She expressed that Biden’s words to Jiennah felt empty and meaningless.

Because of Joe Biden, Jiennah’s child on the way will grow up without a father. Her little one will never know the hero who sacrificed his life saving others. 

Paula Knauss, mother of Staff Sergeant Ryan Knauss expressed her disapproval of Biden’s actions in Afghanistan. 

 “You can’t have a hasty withdrawal after 20 years of war.” She asserted. “It disgraces the name of all those who have fought in the past and who are now on ground, foreign ground fighting right now, my son’s 82nd Airborne is still there, and they deserve to be protected,” she concluded. 

The Administration has made no comment on the plethora of remarks made by the family members of those fallen.