
Texas Border Counties To Sue Biden Over Border Crisis

After witnessing the overflow of 30,000 migrants at the southern border, Val Verde County said it will unite with other neighboring counties in order to sue the Biden Administration for “failure to enforce the laws”.

At a meeting Tuesday, Val Verde County Commissioner Beau Nettleton said “We’ve talked about immigration reform for as long as I can remember. Both parties have had control of Washington at one point or another over the last 20 years, and we have failed to do anything about it other than create the mess that we have today”.

Nettleton called the situation “inexcusable” and said it was time that border counties and cities work together to do something about it.

“I don’t have the answer as to whether a lawsuit solves this problem, but it draws attention to this problem”, said Nettleton. He added that officials took an oath to uphold the constitution and said “they need to comply with that oath and do their job and stop this mess”.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported that over 1.5 million illegal crossings have occurred during the fiscal year 2021. This does not include the September flood of migrants.

President Biden has faced criticism from both Republicans and Democrats for his administration’s failure to address and handle the border crisis. In particular, Democrats have strongly opposed policies like Title 42, which allowed deportations because of the pandemic.

Nettleton stated ‘It is a complete failure of everything that is going on in Washington, for not just the last couple of years, but for many, many years”.