Brandon Brown, the NASCAR driver who inadvertently helped create one of the largest political memes to ever exist, recently came forward with his opinion on the situation.

After Brown won a race at Talladega Speedway, the crowd had begun to chant “f—k Joe Biden”. The reporter interviewing the driver insisted that they were chanting “Let’s go, Brandon,” rather than obscenities at the President.
“I accidentally became one of the most famous drivers in NASCAR,” Brown said in a Newsweek Op-Ed. He admitted, that at first, he intended to stay silent out of fear that some fans would abandon him due to the politics involved.
“I understand that millions of people are struggling right now and are frustrated. Struggling to get by and struggling to build a solid life for themselves and their families, and wondering why their government only seems to make it worse. People have a right to frustration — even anger,” the real Brandon said in his opinion piece.
He continued by saying, “But, I’m also no longer going to be silent about the situation I find myself in, and why millions of Americans are chanting my name. I hear them, even if Washington does not.”
Brown explained that he would not endorse any candidates, nor would he tell Americans how they should vote. His approach appears to be one of understanding. An understanding of frustration with current leaders.