
Trudeau Singles Out Jewish MP – Alludes That She Supports Nazis

Justin Trudeau has taken a slight at a conservative Member of Parliament seemingly because she is Jewish and supports the freedom convoy truck protestors. 

The Prime Minister accused MP Melissa Lantsman of “standing with people who wave swastikas.” Though it would appear, that the only swastika’s displayed by freedom convoy truckers are on signs alleging that Trudeau and his cabinet are authoritarian like the Nazis. 

“Mr. Speaker, Conservative Party members can stand with people who wave swastikas. They can stand with people who wave the Confederate flag. We will choose to stand with Canadians who deserve to be able to get to their jobs, to be able to get their lives back. These illegal protests need to stop and they will, Mr. Speaker,” Trudeau said. 

Shouts allegedly filled the House of Commons after the Prime Minister spoke. The Speaker clamored to restore order in the room amid the outbursts. 

Lantsman decided to issue her response on Twitter “I think the Prime Minister should think long and hard about his own history before singling out a Jewish Member of Parliament and falsely accusing me of standing with a Swastika. What a disgraceful statement unbecoming of anyone in public office – he owes me an apology,” she asserted. 

Lantsman was not the only member of parliament to publicly call out Trudeau. 

“Members of the Conservative Caucus have family who died in the holocaust. I demanded Trudeau apologize three times and he refused. Shame on him.” MP Dane Lloyd said in a tweet. 

Trudeau continues to paint the truck-driving protestors as an occupying force. He outright claims that the freedom convoy is an “occupation” in reality “occupation” does in fact imply military capacity. 

He also desperately attempts to pretend that the protestors are a small fringe minority of Canadians despite the immense public show of support that continues to be prevalent around the nation.