On the campaign trail, President Joe Biden promised that he would lead America to victory against COVID-19. Now virus-related deaths have reached an all-time high.
“We’re going to beat this virus. We’re going to get it under control, I promise you.” Biden said. So far, he’s done anything but.
When a reporter asked about the rising deaths, lack of transparency and if the President would take responsibility he smiled, laughed, and walked away. This only further proved the reporter’s point, that despite promises, this administration will not devote itself to transparency.
Biden promised while running that he would bring “transparency and truth back to the government”. Instead, he laughs at reporters and attends press events with pre-determined lists of questioners.
At this time 800,000 Americans have died of COVID-19, a majority under the current administration’s watch. Last year, all pandemic-related issues were blamed on Trump, even if he didn’t necessarily have control over them. This president blaming attitude seems to have diminished with Biden in office.
Politifact rates Biden’s promise to “get COVID-19 under control” as “in the works” with a progress bar that is mostly completed. Politifact seems to forget that still, with every few months comes a new variant, as the death toll breaks records.

But the truth is that even at a record high, the death toll remains incredibly low in relation to other illnesses. Coronavirus has only killed 0.0002% of the American population and only 1.6% of every American that it has infected.
COVID-19 does not even rank in the top 10 causes of death according to the CDC. Even phenomena and influenza rank at number 9. This apparently, makes those illnesses more deadly than the virus that is used as a justification to relinquish a person’s rights.
Many states and cities have adopted vaccine passports, requiring that individuals prove vaccine status before entering most public or private buildings such as gyms, restaurants, bars, movie theatres, bars, and other venues. This removes the unvaccinated person’s right to appear in public.
Biden’s solution to the virus is to force companies to fire anyone who does not comply, only furthering distrust in the federal government and vaccines.