Prior to the verdict, the Kenosha court house was swarmed with protestors bearing signs that labeled Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber as “Hero’s”.
Joseph Rosenbaum, when he was 19 molested 5 children between the ages of 9 and 11 years old in Arizona.
As they gathered, the protestors demanded that the jury find Kyle Rittenhouse guilty on all counts
“I’m here to support the calls for Kyle to go to prison for a very long time,” one individual told Fox News.
ABC7 reported, Rittenhouse faced five charges for shooting three men, killing two of them, at Black Lives Matter protest over the Jacob Blake shooting by Kenosha police last summer.
During the trial, Justin Blake, uncle of Jacob Blake spear headed a small group of demonstrators that appeared outside the courthouse daily.
Prior to the verdict the Governor of Wisconsin activated 500 National Guard troops, in anticipation for a violent response by the public.

President Joe Biden issued a statement encouraging members of the public to express their grievances peacefully.
“I am very pleased with the verdict. I think it’s a great day for America. A great day for the second amendment, obviously a great day for Kyle Rittenhouse,” said Mark McCloskey who was last year barraged by the media for possessing a firearm outside his home.