
Virginia Teachers Band Together To Exclude Unmasked Students

Virginia teachers have banded together in an effort to bully maskless students through exclusion in the classroom, despite Governor Youngkin’s repeal of mask mandates at school. 

The Daily Caller reported, School districts and teachers alike promised to defy newly-inaugurated Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s repeal of in-school mask mandates. Districts including Arlington Public Schools (APS) and Alexandria County Public Schools (ACPS) claim that universal masking reduces the transmission rate of COVID-19, though the districts point only to CDC data and not any specific study.

Only days after Youngkin repealed classroom mask mandates, ACPS announced that they had received a shipment of KN-95 masks in order to double mask. 

Individual teachers have begun waging war against their own dissenting students. One teacher, Heather Lynn Reilly Osial vowed that no unmasked student would set foot in her classroom. 

The teacher is effectively refusing to do her job as undoubtedly described when she was hired. A student simply refusing to wear a mask, does not make their education any less valuable or necessary. 

“Kids will not be allowed in my class without a mask. No mask, no entry. If my boss has a problem with that, then she has a choice. Either she wants me there or not,” Osial reportedly said. 

Another teacher from Fairfax made some similar, but more gruesome comments. Julie Lawther allegedly told students that she would be using a cattle prod to keep unmasked learners away.