Casey DeSantis, wife of Florida’s Governor has been diagnosed with breast cancer according to a statement released by her husbands office.
Politico reported, In the statement, Gov. Ron DeSantis wrote that his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. The Republican and potential presidential candidate in 2024 said his wife is a fighter and she will not give up.
In the statement DeSantis spoke of Casey’s role in relation to the people of Florida.
“Casey is the centerpiece of our family and has made an impact on the lives of countless Floridians through her initiatives as First Lady,” he said.
Casey was diagnosed with the disease just as October began. October is also known as breast cancer awareness month.
The left wing quickly took to Twitter, calling Casey’s condition “Karma” and implying that she deserves to have breast cancer.

When typing “Casey DeSantis” on twitters search bar, the second recommended option is “Casey DeSantis Karma.”