As a Russian invasion of Ukraine appears imminent, The Biden administration has ordered an additional 3,000 troops to be stationed in Poland amid the conflict.

These 3,000 soldiers are an addition to the already existing 8,500 troops stationed in Europe meant to supplement a NATO reaction force standing ready if Russia’s invasion moves any further than Ukraine.
Initially, President Biden had claimed that America’s response to an invasion would include only harsh sanctions on Russia, but that no American lives would be risked in Europe. Clearly, a change in plans has occurred.
In response to Biden’s announcement regarding sanctions, a spokesperson for the Kremlin warned that sanctions would be “a colossal mistake that would entail grave consequences.”
The Daily Caller reported, White House officials have denied media reports that U.S. intelligence believes Russian President Vladimir Putin has already given the order to proceed with an invasion next week. National security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters Friday that the U.S. has not confirmed such an order, but said that an invasion is a “distinct possibility.”
Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned any Americans who may reside within Ukraine that the invasion could begin at any time, including during the Olympics.
Biden also urged any Americans to evacuate Ukraine. The situation makes it hard not to be reminded of hundreds if not thousands of Americans who were stranded in Afghanistan last year due to the administration’s lack of an evacuation plan.