Trump’s name isn’t on any 2022 ballots, but that didn’t prevent the former president’s influence from dominating the mid-term primaries. 22 Trump-backed candidates won in Ohio and Indiana.
Politico described the situation as a “clean sweep” for the two states considering that all Trump-backed candidates won.
The New York Post reported, (J.D.) Vance — who won in the night’s highest-profile race, defeating six other Ohio candidates vying for the Republican Senate nomination — credited the former president in his victory speech and took a shot at the fake news for doubting Trump’s ability to sway voters.
This certainly supports the idea that Donald Trump still runs the Republican Party. He left office after being outvoted by Joe Biden – leaving the Republican party divided on whether to re-elect or to vote for a new presidential candidate like Ron DeSantis.
Some argue that the party appears to be gearing up for a DeSantis 2024 presidential run, however, Trump endorsements having such an impact on success rates in the primaries speaks to the power he still wields over the voters.
It’s unlikely that DeSantis will get very far without the blessing of 45, and if Trump runs again it’s unlikely that blessing will be granted but would certainly make for interesting primary debates.

In 2016 Donald Trump unflinchingly and savagely ripped apart his fellow republicans on the debate stage. Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, it did not matter. Nobody was safe.