
Bill Maher Likens Justin Trudeau To Adolf Hitler Over Comments On Unvaccinated

In response to his comments regarding the unvaccinated Justin Trudeau has been likened to Adolf Hitler by liberal comedian and talk show host Bill Maher. 

When talking about unvaccinated individuals Trudeau, the Canadian prime minister said ‘they don’t believe in science, they’re often misogynistic, often racist. They take up space and with that, we have to make a choice in terms of a leader of a country: do we tolerate these people?” 

Maher appeared blown away after reading these comments on his show “Real-Time”. “Tolerate these people?” The comedian questioned, “Now you do sound like Hitler.”

“I’m surprised to hear Trudeau said those things,” a guest said to Maher to which he responded, “oh you didn’t see the black face?” Maher said referencing an unearthed image of the Canadian PM wearing brown makeup on his face to appear as a black man. 

Maher also gave his opinion on the truckers who continue to protest in Ottawa, and all around Canada. Maher believes that the protests are about more than just vaccine mandates. His guest Vivek Ramaswamy agreed. 

“If you think this is about vaccine mandates or about white supremacy, you are missing the point. This isn’t a left or right issue, this is about an uprising of everyday citizens in democracies around the world…rising against the biggest threat to actual democracy, which I think is the rise of this managerial class in democracies around the world that are crushing the will of everyday people through bureaucracies,” Ramaswamy said. 

The protests have truly tested just how far the Canadian government is willing to go in order to maintain their narrative and shut down dissenting political opinions.