
Texas School Shooter Released On Bond But Re-Arrested For Drug Use

The Texas high school student accused of shooting 3 individuals during a school day was released on bond. The teen was then arrested once more after violating the terms of release. 

At first thought, one might believe that the 18-year-old Timothy Simpkins simply violated travel terms while visiting his family for Christmas. This is, however, not the case. Simpkins tested positive for illicit substances leading to his second arrest.

Fox News reported The terms of Simpkins’s $75,000 bond prohibit the use of drugs and alcohol. Simpkins had earlier sought a judge’s permission to attend church on Sundays. The request hadn’t yet been ruled on, according to the local newspaper.

The exact type of illicit substance used has not been specified by the court. Many might be astonished to find out that a school shooter was released on bond in the first place. Such a thing is unheard of and mind-blowing. 

Twitter users quickly came to criticize the decision to let Simpkins out. “You have to ask why was he even out on a low bail at all?” Asked one user.

“Can’t remember a time where a school shooting suspect is released the next day,” said another user. 

Simpkins allegedly fired his weapon seven or eight times, some shots directed at a 15-year-old Zaccaeus Selby. Selby had allegedly been involved in a brawl with the suspect just prior to the shooting.